Monday, April 11, 2011

Mr. Trump Goes to Washington

Many, many weeks ago I wrote about the possibility that well known real estate mogul/television personality and wife collector Donald Trump was possibly throwing his hat in the Republican primary ring for the presidency. That boat seems like it’s heading into the harbor as Trump is blitzing the news at every turn with head-on comments that lie somewhere between lunacy and refreshing frankness. I’ll give him credit where credit’s due, he says things that no sane politician would ever say. Things like we need to “take the oil from Iraq“. No dancing around it or sweet words to make it sound like we‘re trading them for sneakers or something. Just boom. His foreign policy is bludgeon the toads over the head and take off with all the petroleum. Brilliant.
He’s very entertaining but it’s those blowhard, Randy Macho-Man Savagesque comments that come out of his mouth make him sound far dumber than his past has led us to believe. After all this guy is a billionaire real estate investor that made his name a brand that basically is centered around the mantra, “buy my merchandise, so you may lightly graze the awesomeness that I shed upon the earth.” It’d be a crime to just say he’s crazy, because we have seen crazy and he doesn’t stand a chance if we want to compare him to the returning champs. That’s why I think he knows exactly what he’s doing. He’s had 10,000 ninja pollsters working around the clock, talking to right-wing soccer moms and gun club members to precisely slice out a campaign that will get him elected.
He’s been stirring up a lot of commotion that was nearly ready to pass into the west about President Obama never producing a birth-certificate to show the American public, thereby proving he was probably born in another country or possibly…galaxy. He never said that last part but he was so profoundly suspicious he sent his own people to Hawaii to investigate the location Barack Obama first saw the light of day. Now, I honestly don’t even think he believes this garbage but he must be able to read because a recent poll came out that over half of Americans think the President was not born in this country. I believe this whole buzz that the president is by birth a foreigner to be crazy but if there’s more crazy people than sane people, I guess that then makes me crazy? So based on the info I just gave you, you would think he’d be doing pretty well in the early polls for the GOP nom. You’d be exactly right. Polls in New Hampshire, the small but mighty state that holds a tidal wave of power because they go first, say Trump trails only Mitt Romney in New Hampshire. And then in the often undecisive sunshine state, Floridians have him just behind Mitt Romney and Mike Huckabee. It’s hard what to make of his honest chances. He’s unconventional but maybe that appeals to some of the base. You could even call him a maverick. His rhetoric is brash and probably a steaming pile of bull excrement but this is politics after all…


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