Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The Craiglist Congressman

In Washington today, Republican Representative Christopher Lee (no, not the 90 year old actor that every Hollywood studio has the legal obligation to give all roles described as evil and bearded to) has resigned from Congress. He saw an ad on Craigslist for some female companionship and he responded by sending her a picture of his own bare chest. Of course he's married and has a son. As soon as that photo was released by web snoops, the wheels were set in motion and Chris had no choice but to resign.
If you don't know what craigslist it's basically a website of classified ads in your city and surrounding areas, for things like romance, job openings, musical gigs and posting unsolicited pictures of your penis for the world's viewing disgust. Chris Lee's barechested portrait is about as innocent as any picture ever seen exchanged in the "casual encounters" portion of a website that's layout really does give it that creepy southern fleamarket vibe. Even so, he has decided along with the people that make most decisions for him, that he needs to leave immediately. And he did, because the Republicans in the hours before the dawn of a presidential election do not need another scandal bogging them down. You know, I've come to expect that if you're caught with your hand in the cookie jar or in this case, emailing the cookie jar to go for drinks, you're just going to have to end up quitting but is it that big of a deal? Morally, I think it's reprehensible that any one would try to cheat on their spouse. It spurns me, but now we've got to honestly ask ourselves how many members of congress are not probably boinking someone they shouldn't? I understand that when you're in politics you have to look like a superhuman with MBA from an Ivy League school, pearly white teeth and the picture perfect family, but the truth that seems to seep out most of the time is that these people are just as disgusting if not more so than anyone you know.
Politicians are not role models. Anyone who still thinks politicians are pure as a freshly fallen snowflake need to wake up and smell the yellow snow because to one extent or another they are all crooked people. For their job they need to be caniving, wheeling, dealing, silver tongued devils. And then due to the enormous pressure they will sometimes fall into substance dependence but more often a hooker's ass tattoo. They think they're entitled to do whatever they please, and that power has obviously has partially blocked blood from reaching the brain because they think no one will find out. They always find out. The media can be every bit as caniving and they usually get their man. So let politicians free of their obligations as moral statuettes. If they're good at their job isn't it better for the country to just let him go on skirt chasing and be thankful someone more pure and clueless doesn't take his place.

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