Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Como se dice?...morons

You know it's just a fact that most citizens of the world can speak at least 2 or 3 languages, while most Americans can only speak one and if you're from Alabama even less than that. It typically isn't as necessary to learn a second language if you live in America or answer phones for Dell but that's just because it just hasn't been a necessity for most. Up until now the most useful purpose of we could come up for learning French was to be able to pronounce hockey players names (that still doesn't help me know what sound the upside down U with the dots mean). There's nothing but positives that come from learning another language. Your brain begins to process faster, your speaking skills improve, and if you're hitting on a spanish-speaking woman your best move won't be continuous winking and asking her if she likes guacamole. Being bilingual is also said to improve your listening skills. Now, I speak a little Spanish but really my listening is pretty great. I make sure I am in tuned and intent on absorbing and treasuring every word that's spoken, unless it's spoken by someone that's not me. Whoever you may be listening to though, wouldn't it be great to be able to freely communicate with people in their native language? Language can sometimes be quite a barrier to communicating ideas, feelings, and directions to the bathroom and really that's what makes being a human being so great. When you learn another language you rise another level as a citizen of the world and you lower your level as a NASCAR fan.

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