Monday, February 21, 2011

Beanie Babies

I'm only 20 years old and I've lived through some fads. There is a difference between an innovation like say like the internet, ipod, cellphone that catches on and reshapes society and propels itself into the future and will probably exist or at least inspire future technologies for as long as the world as we know it exists. Then there's Beanie Babies. From the time I was 8-12 people bought Beanie Babies like they were stocks. People talked about how they were going to be worth a fortune some day. People were taking money out of their 401K's and CD's to invest in Beanie Babies because someday they were going to be able to retire early because in 1998 they were smart enough to buy a tub of Beanie Babies. People would buy hundreds of these things and a few years later it was like waking up from a drunken haze saying, not sure why you did what you did. "I think I sold my vital organs and first born child for some and felt and bb's." I was young so I don't know how serious people really took this. I can't imagine some broker at Edward Jones telling someone, "You really need to diversify your portfolio and you don't have any reptiles. I can get you a good price on Hissy." The Ty Company were geniuses of marketing, I'll give them that. but the actual product was crap. Basically, it was a generic looking stuffed animal, given names that a 5 year old could come up with. Somebody thought to name a lion Groowwl. I imagine they were going to name him growl but somebody suggested doubling the letters and got a raise. On the inside of the tags there was always a little poem about them. Again, not very controversial.

In the kitchen, on the prowl
Because I heard my tummy growl
I'll pounce just when I spy my prey
A thick and juicy rare filet !

The animal kingdom couldn't have been anything but insulted. Beautiful creatures, some that have been around longer than us and we come around and deduce them to this. Why is a lion in the kitchen? And if he is in the kitchen I hope he eats your dumbass for spending 80 bucks on a Beanie Baby. Last but not least they each have a birthday. What is the point of this? To have parties for them? I guess that's part of getting older. When you're young you celebrate inanimate objects birthdays. When you're older you forget everybody's birthday. Luckily, facebook fixes that which is why facebook is better than Beanie Babies. Although they do have their similarities. Beanie Babies make inanimate objects more like people and facebook makes people more like inanimate objects.


At February 22, 2011 at 6:08 PM , Blogger Travis_randolph said...

Lol cam. I vividly remember spending my allowences on beanie babies.


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