Saturday, February 12, 2011

Donald Trump tells Obama, "You're Fired!"

Get ready to read that brilliant headline for probably the next year or so. If you paid any attention to the CPAC conference over the last few days, and I know you did, you know that the Republicans are sure a fun bunch. Did you see all the cowboy hats? Unfortunately Donald Trump was not one wearing one but he gave a stirring speech none the less in which he told the crowd he's seriously considering running for president but he'll decide by June. He talked about how China is ripping of the U.S. by marking their currency so low, american ingenuity and his favorite topic...Donald Trump. We could end global warming if we could some how harvest this guys ego into energy. A flick of the tongue he could power a suburb for the month.
I like Donald Trump though because he doesn't dance around anybody. Sort of like when in his speech he announced to the crowd that CPAC favorite Ron Paul has no chance to beat Obama in an election. Ron Paul has won the CPAC straw poll two years in a row but got rolled over in the primaries in 2008. Was Donald wrong? No, Ron Paul cannot win. It's not about Paul being a small time candidate and it's not like I don't think it's possible for a little guy to put a grass roots campaign together and take on the system. That's kind of what Barack Obama did. The difference is? Obama wasn't that radical. He was black and had charisma, two characteristics that no democratic candidate has had since 1996, but Obama was still pretty close to his home base. Ron Paul is out there. His own party's out of sync with him, so is his campaign to get rid of the IRS going to win over lefties in the general election?
Sorry, back to Trump. How often does a politician show up to what's basically the preseason for election season and tell the crowd, I am awesome this guy stands no chance? Who does that? Politicians are all about blowing smoke up people's ass and Trump won't don't that. Trump frankly might be in the same shoes as Ron Paul in that those who agree with him will love his straight talk (because people like straight talk as long as they agree with it) and then there will be those that don't agree with him or think that he doesn't share their values (I didn't realize he had any). It might be the double edge sword that comes back and takes a little off his top (we can only hope) but it should be fun to watch.

P.S. I can't wait to hopefully see primary debates with Sarah Palin and Donald Trump. Can we please just let Snooki moderate?

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