Saturday, July 23, 2011

Signs for Re-Evaluation

Signs that you need to rethink your life.

1. If you cook a hot pocket in a conventional oven. It takes 30 minutes. Most people aren’t willing to wait that long for things that bring them enjoyment, if you’re doing it for a hot pocket you need around the clock psychological treatment. Call me a product of the internet age but I just don’t think I should have to wait that long for violent diarrhea.
2. If you have more than three half used tubes of toothpaste. Let’s face it, if you get a new one the old one’s out of a job. Let it down quick and easy. There’s no use pussyfooting around pretending like things are going to work between you. You both knew what this was.
3. If you’ve ever looked all over the house for your keys, tearing open couch cushions, looking in pockets of pants you haven’t worn since 8th grade, accusing people around the house, giving them an ultimatum of the keys or their future only to realize they’ve been in your pocket the whole time. No, it doesn’t happen to everyone. Just you. Freak
4. If you've ever poked someone on Facebook. When you don’t have anything to say but you want to remind somebody you’re still breathing poking is a great idea. If you’ve ever poked someone then you’re either close enough to them that they know you’re not a douche or you’re just a douche.
5. If you watch movies based on books or comic books and are angry when the story differs from the original. You can’t say that’s not the way it happened. Because IT DIDN'T HAPPEN!!!

Happy Sunday!!!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Judging Casey Anthony

I won’t dive into any legal analysis because I’m obviously not equipped to do that, but I do feel like it’s valuable that this is said by somebody even if it’s me and the only receptors are the six people that are reading this. I believe this is worth saying, hearing and digesting because in the wake of Casey Anthony being exonerated from all the major charges she faced, there has been a media/social media tidal wave of anger, disgust and frustration that Anthony wasn’t charged with murder, manslaughter and child abuse. It now seems most people are ignoring the verdict the jury handed because they had already made up their mind that she was guilty. That’s fine. Everyone’s entitled to their opinion, and it’s hard not to have one when there’s a legal case that’s so highly covered and unusual like this was. It’s tempting to watch this as a piece of pulpy entertainment and be upset that the ending was unexpected and maybe hard for a person to take. If you believe she is guilty then you see it as a woman who killed her child and is not being punished for it, which is horrific. How do we know she did it? Honestly, we can’t that we do. Even our strongest instincts leave us being less 100% about the reality of her daughters death. Estimates say that thousands of people are wrongfully convicted of serious crimes every year. For all the Casey Anthony’s that might very well have done it, there are thousands of men and women who have lost their family, jobs, reputations and sometimes their lives for something that they did not do. It’s got to feel like a horrible dream to have everything being taken from you and everyone looks at you like a monster. If Casey Anthony had been convicted #justice served probably would have been trending on twitter. But we could have been wrong and the court could have been wrong. Then what we have is a woman who’s daughter was killed, and she has to suffer behind bars for three years while being ripped apart by the entire world calling you a killer and a monster, then she likely would have been executed. If you compare the two would be a greater tragedy to let a killer walk or to crucify an innocent woman who is mourning the loss of her child. We do know Casey Anthony was probably not a mother of the year candidate anyway but there’s a big difference between being a crappy mom and being homicidal. We’ll never know and we’d be left wondering either way the verdict would have gone. The justice system is far from perfect and it’s constantly improving but to say it doesn’t have it’s faults is egregiously naïve. But it’s the best we’ve got and it’s the best in the world. If we don’t support and believe in our courts then what does this country become? I’m troubled by this but I just am sad that a little girl died, I’m sad that the family had to endure all of this, and I’m sad that Casey Anthony’s life couldn’t have turned out better, because now if she’s truly guilty she will carry that guilt on her back for the rest of her life, and if she’s truly innocent she’ll carry around the guilt that everyone’s put on her back for the rest of her life. God will see justice through, of that I have no doubt.

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